Data Pipeline Demo Project


This site demonstrates how to perform simple analysis on publicly-available Walmart Recruiting Store Sales Data.

A more detailed description of the entire pipeline can be found in this blog post.

UPDATE: As of December 2020, this deployment no longer works. My AWS free tier ended. And I am unable to use the ETL tool (Stitch Data) to migrate data to a new account as Stitch Data no longer offers a free plan).


The following analyses are a sample of possible analyses that can be performed on the data.



Analysis 1 - Data Availability, Number of Weeks per Year

An extremely simple analysis. Counts the number of weeks for which data is available for each year.

Enter years between 2010 and 2012. One or both fields can be left empty.

(It may take a few seconds to display chart.)

Analysis 2 - Week-of-Holiday Sales Compared to Annual Weekly Average

Pick radio button option to chart either all holidays or specific holidays.

Choose which holidays to include in chart:

(It may take a few seconds to display chart.)